Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Things I don't know.

Today, I present you with a completely random list of things that I just cannot seem to figure out.

1. Summer is coming...will sporting a pair of Crocs raise or lower my MSSR?

2. What is the significance to the references to the Eagle's club in the comments? Should I consider pledging my allegiance?

3. Did the fire department really auction a ride on a fire truck at their recent fundraiser? I overheard this at the park last weekend and don't know if it is accurate or just another leaf on the grapevine. If it is true, those firemen sure do have a sense of humor!

4. Why did Movie Gallery close? And more importantly, how long will it be before a tanning and/or hair salon moves into the vacated space?

5. Has Starbucks really decided not to open a store in Morris? I was counting on my ability to order an exotic coffee drink and elegantly tote it around to various local functions to be an aid in raising my MSSR.


Anonymous said...

I find this whole blog humorous. Just do what you do and who cares what people think. That's the way I live. Yes and sometimes gotten me into trouble. But you know who it makes happy? Me! Lived in Morris all my life, 34 years.

Anonymous said...

umm, isn't that kinda the point of this blog? pointing out the foolishness of some of the things that go on here? at least thats how i read it. who knows it might be serious but i hope not. at least its entertaining.

Anonymous said...

It's called sardonicism 10:32.
Scornfully or cynically mocking. See synonyms at sarcastic.

sardonically sar·don'i·cal·ly adv.
sardonicism sar·don'i·cism (-ĭ-sĭz'əm) n.

You must have been on the football team.

Anonymous said...

It seems to me that the writer is serious about their thoughts but does it in a humorous way. Obviously I find it entertaining or I wouldn't keep coming back. Playing football doesn't mean anything.

Anonymous said...

The football comment was an example of sardonism. You either get it or you dont.

Anonymous said...

The Eagles club is just a nice place to have a drink, and meet people... And if your looking to make friends in Morris, Sarcasim really doesn't work....

Anonymous said...

I stumbled onto this blog and am completely entertained. The insider/outsider chatter cracks me up. I was born/raised here and can't figure out where the perception of "insider" came from. I've never known or even hear of anyone who makes judgments on people based on their birthplace. Well at least on a local level. I don't know if all of you are just paranoid conspiracy miners, or if somewhere, you were unfairly treated. Either way you have my sympathies.

Anonymous said...

I wish that if these supposed "outsiders" were so unhappy here that they would move on and not bring our great town down.

Anonymous said...

Is it true that Starbucks also has backed out of coming to Morris?

Anonymous said...

I heard Jon SParrow wants to sell the gas stations becuase he's not making any money! Maybe he'll sell the plaza too since he get any renters inthere. Gee, too bad Jon! maybe Scotty can help you out. You can put a sign up on the center school property too

Anonymous said...

I'm here because I lost a bet

Anonymous said...

Funny how quiet this gets...no new thoughts?

Anonymous said...

Okay, how about these thoughts?

1. If you like the fit and comfort of CROCS, wear them. If not, don't.
2. Try the Eagles club membership (or any other club memberships by the way) only because you want to do so. If you don't enjoy it, or find it offensive, don't renew your membership.
3. What child (young or old) doesn't like the excitement of a ride on a fire truck? Of course, firemen have a sense of humor, if not they wouldn't survive...........
Maybe a local fireman pin-up calendar would be fun for their next fund raiser?
4. If you don't like to tan or get your hair done,
then don't pay attention to what takes the place of the "Movie Gallery".
5. If you have a great need to "elegantly tote" around a Starbucks drink container to local functions in order to fit in, by all means, do so but
boy, I would feel sorry for you.

Two suggestions:
1. Study and implement the wisdom of the words of "Desiderata".
2. Stop watching those you perceive to be "social morris" persons - spend your time helping those less fortunate (without the attitude, please). You'll be much more content with your life - and probably end up to be one of those "social morris" types yourself!

And no, I am not a "social morris" type person. But I do like myself the way I am - does that make me a "myself morris" type person?

Anonymous said...

Those are thoughts I can live with and relate to. See you at the bar tonight? Bottoms Up is changing its look. Have to check it out.

Anonymous said...

Say good bye to Movie Gallery. Starbucks we never knew ya'. Say hello to Family Video and Arby's. And yes I would like to know why or how a business can legally put a sign on a trailer and park it on a city street and just leave it for weeks at a time!

Verity Quest said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Verity Quest said...

I've lived in 12 towns/cities and have always come back to this one. Yes, being new to any town/ciy is hard. However, I've learned that I was accepted more readily by being sincere and helpful. This is a great community and I would never consider moving away from it. Volunteer an be helpful. Good Luck.

Verity Quest said...

SM, I hope you don't mind me posting another Morris blog:



Anonymous said...

the only thing i don't like about this blog is that i didn't think of it first :)

any local who says there isn't an insider/outsider mindset among a majority of the locals is either bs-ing or clueless -- so if you're either of those, save your post; we "outsiders" will ignore it.

as for myself, i spent my first several months here frustrated & lonely that, having always been a popular person in school and other towns in which i've lived, i couldn't break the ice with locals...the people here are so effing socially retarded that i'd try to cheerfully break into a "looks like rain" type of conversation and get blank stares and ZERO response (after about 3 seconds of awkward silence, they'd resume talking to each other). thank goodness I finally came to my senses and, having long since realized most of morris and the surrounding area -- excepting the farmers, as duly noted in a comment to another post hereon -- has an IQ *well* below 100, decided to not invest any more of my time tackling the "challenge" -- i don't like to think of myself as a "quitter" but, sheesh, ya gotta pick yer battles!

also...for you morrisites who think that telling us "outsiders" to get out if we don't like your silly obsession with being tanned, clique-ish losers obsessed with getting plowed on *cheap* beer (nothing wrong with the good stuff) while endlessly recounting your HS glory days like Napoleon Dynamite's pathetic Uncle Rico...here's your newsflash:


so, no, it won't be *US* leaving morris anytime soon you unfriendly plebes...it shall be you...moving on to your next trailer in some other 'tucky town.


ps: those farmers you don't like either (despite some of them being 5th generation)...yeah, there gonna get rich too.

pps: tanning and cocaine?!? please...that's so 1982...at least step into the '90s if you can't get it together enough to join the rest of us in 2008.

Anonymous said...

wow! disturbed? Sounds like you need to sit down and have a talk with somebody. Best wishes.

Anonymous said...

Were you "there" helping others with their flooding? Get involved...you'll then "belong".

Anonymous said...

it doesn't matter. if your not in the click, your not in. Even if it seems they accept you (local or outsider) they're only using you. Just like back in school, kids. Find someone you like to hang with and enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Dear still here....
You are STILL missing it - (except that your last statement does come closer)
It is YOUR perception of life's "Social Morris" that holds you back. Remember the old adage "in the eye of the beholder"? Let go of those moments you were hurt in school. Do not miss out on the enjoyment of life because of what YOU perceive others to be, to have, etc.
Be youself and enjoy who you are, connect with those you truly enjoy, then YOU WILL find "Social Morris".
Look up the writing entitled "Desiderata" and study it. It contains great wisdom about plain old life. At one time or another, we have all been where you are. May you find Peace.

Anonymous said...

dude, (10:03) are you like a philosopher or something? You totally got it figured out.

Anonymous said...

wow I thought I was the only one feeling like this. I have lived in this town for 15 years, and cant wait to say goodbye after my kids finish high school. And what is up with all the fuss about 8th grade graduation. Is this such a big deal? It is the 8th grade people!